Increasingly, men are wishing to improve both their physical appearance and sexual experience through penile enhancement. Penile size can be significantly enhanced in both length and width without effecting sexual performance or sensitivity by well-established surgical techniques called Penoplasty.

We believe that the Penoplasty technique, pioneered in the UK by Dr Roberto Viel at the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery, is justified when the psychological benefits outweigh the risk and cost of the procedure. Specifically, the degree of male sexual pleasure is not increased by this procedure, however, given that the female vagina is only sensitive in the lower third area, it is more important to increase the width or girth of the penis rather than the length. This technique may then enhance the overall satisfaction of lovemaking for the patient by improving the sexual experience of his partner. These procedures do not interfere with the normal functioning or sensitivity of the penis.

In the week before your procedure, you should not take any medications containing aspirin since these products affect the blood clotting mechanism and therefore may lead to excessive bleeding during and after surgery, hence resulting in increased bruising. Taking high doses of vitamin E preparations, eating large amounts of garlic and consuming alcohol can also produce the same result and should be avoided. If pain medication is necessary, we recommend you take ibuprofen/paracetamol.

It is in your own best interests to stop smoking at least two weeks before and until two weeks after surgery. It is well known that smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which leads to a decreased blood supply to the skin, thus slowing and interfering with the healing process.

Please inform your surgeon of any medications you take and any allergies you may have.

Your surgeon will decide whether preliminary examinations are necessary, such as blood tests, an electrocardiogram, or x-rays of the lungs. If this is the case, these tests should be performed several weeks before the surgery.

If you are having lengthening of the penis, you must shave your pubic area before your operation.




Penoplasty can increase the size of the penis by increasing either length or girth/width or both. To increase the length, an incision will be made above the base of the penis. Through this we can release the penile suspensory ligament, thus allowing the penis to be brought forward, thereby lengthening it externally by typically 1-2 inches. It is difficult to predict the exact amount of gain as this is different in every male and depends on the anatomical structure of the penis and pubic area. This increase in length is in the flaccid position only and some men may find that the angle of the erection may be slightly lower. Many men have circumcision performed at the same time, as this avoids swelling of the foreskin, which can last for several weeks.

The increase in girth, involves a small amount of liposuction to collect fat, followed by re-injection of the fat along the shaft of the penis. The usual increase in girth (circumference) is usually between 1 to 2 inches. The fat injection procedure avoids incision scars and because it is a simple technique, the recovery time is shorter. Possible post-operative fat re-absorption and nodule formation can be minimised by the amount of fat injected at one time. The girth enlargement is restricted to being slightly bigger than the tip. The enlargement of the penis will be evident in both the flaccid and erect states.

To ensure a natural appearance, we can increase both the length and girth at the same time, although it is possible to have either the lengthening or enlargement (girth) only. The increase in length will be permanent however with the girth enhancement because a percentage of the fat will be naturally absorbed, maintenance over time will be required. The functioning of the penis will be completely normal both in terms of erection and urination.

Penoplasty is a day case procedure, and will be performed at our Harley St clinic under local anaesthetic with IV sedation. The operation usually takes between 45 minutes and 1 1/2 hours, depending on which procedure you are having.

The Enlargement procedure can be performed under either sedation or local anaesthetic & you should discuss with your surgeon which method is best for you.

You will have one small dissolvable stitch to the abdomen (where we have collected the fat) and one further dissolvable stitch to the base of the penis (where the fat was injected). Dressings will be applied & these need to be left dry & intact for the first week. After this time, you may remove the bandages at home. Massaging your penis daily using Vaseline is recommended to help resolve the asymmetry of the penis and prevent lumps occurring.

During the first 2-3 weeks after surgery you may experience a slight amount of discomfort but this is normally controlled with oral pain relief. You may also experience a small amount of bruising and some surgical swelling, which will subside again after approximately 2-3 weeks.



The lengthening procedure is performed under local anaesthetic with IV sedation & you will remain at the clinic for about 2 hours after surgery to allow us to monitor your recovery from the sedation. It is necessary to arrange for someone to come and collect you, as you are not permitted to drive or take public transport for 48hrs after having sedation. It is recommended that you refrain from work for at least 1 week after surgery for rest and recuperation.

You will have deep dissolving sutures in the underlying muscle and tissue and some skin sutures on the pubis. You will need to return to the clinic after one week for the dressings to be changed and again after a further week for the stitches to be removed. It is important to avoid having an erection while your stitches are in place.

It is also vitally important that your hands are washed thoroughly after each visit to the toilet to avoid cross contamination and infection to the wound and always ensure that clean underwear is worn daily.

Once all the stitches have been removed and the wound is fully closed, you may apply traction to your penis to prevent retraction of your penis after surgery. It can take between 3-6 months to achieve maximum length gained from elongation.

At the follow-up visits you will be examined to ensure that the healing process is proceeding satisfactorily. Further post-operative visits may be scheduled at your convenience to ensure that both you and your surgeon are totally satisfied with your results.

Like all operations, Penoplasty is not without complications, they are rare but can occur. These include infection, bleeding, numbness to the affected areas, scarring, collection of blood under the skin, known as haematoma or blood clot; although this occurs in less than 1% of patients and drains and heals spontaneously.

In some cases with enlargement surgery the penis may be asymmetrical or lumps may occur due to the position of the fat. Gentle massage should normally resolve this problem.

Your key sexual organ is your brain and nobody can predict how you will react after surgery. We have however, found that most men feel more confident about themselves and this can enhance their sexuality.

Penoplasty is both a safe and effective procedure and, with no foreign material or implants introduced, the complications are rare. The London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery is a recognised centre of surgical excellence in the UK.

If you have any further questions or queries about this procedure, please feel free to call and speak to either Dr Roberto Viel, or our nurse. Please note that it is necessary to attend a consultation prior to your operation, this is also the case with existing patients, it may also be necessary to have repeat blood tests.


Penoplasty Post op

Rest for 48 hours after surgery and take all medications as instructed. Avoid alcohol, aspirin and any other blood thinning remedies or medication until you are fully recovered.

It is normal to experience some discomfort to the treated areas for the first 2-3 weeks.
You may notice spot bleeding on your dressings. Ice-packs can be applied on top of the dressing. If you experience excessive bleeding or bleeding lasting longer than 24 hours, contact the clinic immediately.

All dressings must be left intact and dry until you see our nurse for your one-week post op review. Your stitches will dissolve between 10-14 days. Do not wet the dressing, therefore no shower or bath, but do wash yourself elsewhere. Avoid steam, sunbathing and extreme temperatures whilst recovering.

The area where the fat has been removed from may show bruising, and feel tender, sore or hard to the touch. This is normal and will subside in 2-3 weeks. To help the recovery we advise you to massage these areas with moisturiser. Loose boxer shorts must be worn for one month so that penis can hang straight down. No sexual intercourse or exercise for 2-3 weeks.


If you need to massage the penis, due to lumps forming or asymmetry, please commence massage using the thumb and first two fore fingers. Starting at the base of the penis, massaging up the shaft to the head of the penis. You may use body oil or Vaseline to avoid friction. If the fat is smooth & evenly placed, there is no need to massage. Please be extremely careful not to pull the sutures open.

Return to the clinic in approximately 6 weeks time for your post op appointment with your surgeon.

It is vitally important that your hands are washed thoroughly at all times and before touching the wound and after each visit to the bathroom to avoid cross contamination and infection to the wound. Ensure that clean underwear is worn daily.

Contact the Clinic if you have any concerns following your procedure on 0207 636 4272 or Dr Viel on 07831 280 012.





Penoplasty Post op

Rest for 48 hours after surgery & we recommend refraining from work for at least one week.

Take all medications as instructed.

Avoid alcohol, aspirin and any other blood thinning remedies or medication until you are fully recovered.

It is normal to experience some discomfort to the treated area for the first 2-3 weeks. You may notice spot bleeding on your dressings. Ice-packs can be applied on top of the dressing. If you experience excessive bleeding or bleeding lasting longer than 24 hours, contact the clinic immediately.

All dressings must be left intact and dry until you see your surgeon 3 to 5 days post op for a review. You will be given a second follow up appointment 10 days post surgery at which point your stitches will be removed.

Do not wet the dressing, therefore no shower or bath, but do wash yourself elsewhere. Avoid steam, sunbathing and extreme temperatures whilst recovering.

Once the wound is fully closed (approximately 6 weeks) you may commence the stretching exercises. This is important to prevent contracture of the scar. It involves pressing the Y shaped scar on your pubic area with two fingers and stretching out the penis with your other hand at a 30-degree angle. You must do this for a period of ten minutes, four times a day. Do not stretch until the wound is fully closed otherwise you may pull it open.

Loose boxer shorts must be worn for one month so that the penis can hang straight down.

No sexual intercourse for 6 weeks & no exercise for 4 weeks.

Avoid an erection for 2 weeks after surgery to prevent wound breakdown. If an erection does occur (day or night) ice packs should be applied.

It is vitally important that your hands are washed thoroughly at all times before touching the wound and after each visit to the bathroom to avoid cross contamination and infection to the wound. Ensure that clean underwear is worn daily.

Contact the Clinic if you have any concerns following your procedure on 0207 636 4272 or Dr Viel on 07831 280 012.