Laser Resurfacing

Facial blemishes, acne scars and hyperpigmentation are just a few facial problems that we encounter as we age. Excessive or prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays and to some environmental factors such as pollution and smoke can cause premature skin ageing leading to dull skin tone, texture, and even the appearance of brown spots. 

The discovery of fractional laser resurfacing has revolutionised the treatment for photodamaged skin as well as demonstrate efficacy in the treatment of wrinkles and acne scars. The general principle for fractional laser resurfacing is that the skin undergoes a rapid repair process as a consequence of thermal damage which then stimulates significant collagen renewal. Collagen is a protein mainly found in the skin and is responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. In short, it keeps the skin tight and youthful-looking.


The Difference of Ablative and Non-Ablative Laser resurfacing

The main difference between ablative and non-ablative is that ablative laser removes the outer surface of the photodamaged skin while the non-ablative works by gently heating the surface underneath the skin. 


Ablative laser is more invasive than non-ablative as it removes the top layer of the skin and stimulates the underlying skin to form new collagen. Improvements on the skin can usually be seen after a single treatment. However, the downtime is longer and rarely lasts more than two weeks. 

The laser treatment is well tolerated even without anaesthetic cream and will usually take around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of areas. During the treatment, you may already feel a burning sensation as the laser is introduced to the skin. This burning sensation can be relieved through the application of an ice pack which will be provided during the treatment. You may also experience minimal pain, discomfort, and tingling sensation. Itching is also not uncommon and during this time, it is important not to scratch at the skin as it heals.

Ablative laser is for those who show signs of significant facial ageing or have deep acne scars. It may be the treatment of choice for those who require a single or two sessions and those who are prepared to take time off from work to recover. 

Although ablative laser produces a dramatic improvement in the overall skin quality, it is considered a more invasive laser treatment. As the skin recovers, a newer, tighter and smoother skin is formed. Ablative lasers are used to treat fine to moderates wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, sun-damaged skin, and acne scars.


Non-ablative laser treatment is effective in improving the skin texture and tone and has lesser downtime, with as little as an hour of redness after the treatment. Although side effects are uncommon with non-ablative laser treatment, minimal redness can be expected immediately after the treatment and will lessen after a few hours.

Given that non-ablative laser is a gentler type of skin resurfacing and gives moderate results, a course of four to six treatments is generally required.

Here in Dubai, Laser Resurfacing is available at London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery located in Dubai Healthcare City.

Drs. Maurizio and Roberto Viel have over 25 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery industry and are known for their expertise in cosmetic treatments and surgeries.

To book an appointment, or consultation in Dubai at our LCAS Dubai Healthcare City Clinic, please contact 04-375 2393, WhatsApp +971 52 915 1461 or email

To book an appointment at our LCAS 15 Harley Street, London practice, please call +44 207 636 4272 or email