Bodytite Liposuction

Your surgeon will always discuss with you and recommend the treatment that is appropriate for you. During the consultation, the surgeon will also explain the treatment, its results and benefits, the duration of the result, and the frequency of repeating the treatment.


You will be given specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medicines.

If you smoke, plan to quit at least two weeks prior to the surgery and not resume smoking for at least two weeks after your surgery. Avoid overexposure to the sun before the surgery, especially on the abdomen, and do not go on an astringent diet, as both can inhibit your ability to heal. If you develop a cold or infection of any kind, it is important to inform the surgeon, as your surgery may need to be postponed.

You will need to arrange for someone to collect you after your surgery, as you will be unable to drive. It is also advisable to have someone to stay with you for a few days to help you out if needed.


Bodytite liposuction procedure is performed in our Harley Street clinic.


The Bodytite liposuction procedure is carried out under intravenous sedation so there will be no pain and you will sleep through the operation.


Bodytite liposuction procedure usually takes between two to two and a half hours depending on the number of areas to be treated.

As a practice known for using the latest technology for the benefit of our patients, we have selected a special technique of Bodytite Liposuction to ensure smooth, predictable results and fast healing. We have thoroughly researched this technology to make this decision with confidence, and as one of the only clinics within the U.K. to be using this technology, we welcome the opportunity to help you determine if Bodytite Liposuction is right for you. The information below should answer most of your questions about Bodytite Liposuction.


Bodytite Liposuction has two elements to the machine. It can be used for invasive as well as non-invasive techniques that can help to complement the surgical side or it can be used for surgical purposes to gently and precisely reshape the body via the removal of fat pockets. On the surgical side, it can help with liposuction and can help with significant skin tightening. On the non-surgical side, it can help reduce thin layers of fat on small and large surface areas, reduce fine lines, wrinkles and relieve the appearance of acne scars.

What distinguishes Bodytite Liposuction is its ability to remove the fat from the body gently, uniformly, and accurately with the use of the technology RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Liposuction) whilst achieving significant skin tightening during the procedure. Your liposuction treatment with Radio Frequency will actually remove the fat gently compared with traditional methods, but leave your other tissues intact. This allows your skin to retract smoothly and evenly after the procedure and minimizes pain and bruising typically associated with fat removal. Most patients experience fast recovery and return to normal activities within days.


In the week before, you should not take any medications containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), since these products affect the blood’s clotting mechanism and therefore may lead to excessive bleeding during and after surgery, hence resulting in increased bruising. Taking high doses of vitamin E preparations, eating large amounts of garlic, and consuming alcohol can also produce the same result and should be avoided. If pain medication is necessary, we recommend you take ibuprofen/paracetamol.

It is in your own best interests to quit smoking, at least two weeks before and until 2 weeks after surgery. It is well known that smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which leads to a decreased blood supply to the skin, thus slowing and interfering with the healing process.

Be sure to inform your surgeon of any medications you take, as well as possible allergies including (drug, latex, plasters, and so on). Your surgeon will decide whether preliminary examinations are necessary, such as blood tests, an electrocardiogram, or x-rays of the lungs. If this is the case, these tests should be performed several weeks before the surgery.


Your Bodytitey Liposuction procedure will be performed under Local anesthetic with Sedation (this is not a general anesthetic). You may or may not be aware of what is going but will you will totally pain-free and will not remember the procedure. The procedure will take place at our Dubai Healthcare City Clinic.

During the procedure, the area to be sculpted is filled with a special saline solution that helps to numb the site and shrink the blood vessels (to minimize blood loss and bruising). This solution wets and fills the area to be treated, making the fat cells easier to liquefy with the machine’s sound energy. Then, small probes transmit sound energy (similar to that used for cataract removal in the eye) that dissolves fat cells on contact, while leaving other important tissues undisturbed. High-frequency sound waves target and dissolve less resistant fat cells on contact, while harmlessly bouncing off other healthy and important tissues. The emulsified fat flows into the wetting solution and is easily extracted because it is in liquid form.

Finally, gentle suction and massage of the sculptured site remove the emulsified fat quickly and easily.

The machine first liquefies and then removes the fat cells in this manner, which is why it is so gentle, effective, and provides such fast, predictable results.


There are limits to how much fatty tissue can be safely removed, and the deepest layers of fat – those surrounding and protecting your vital organs – cannot be taken safely (which can amount to quite a bit of your fat). The plastic surgeon will advise you how much fat can be removed. Bear in mind that this procedure is not intended as a weight loss solution. The goal is to create a slimmer silhouette. As fat weighs less than water, you may not notice a significant amount of weight loss, but should be pleased with your new slimmer new shape.


The operation will take from 1 to 4 hours depending upon the amount of fat to be removed. After the operation, you will remain at the clinic for a further 2 hours to allow us to monitor your progress, after which you will be free to leave.

The recovery time from Radio Frequency Liposuction varies with the extensiveness of the procedure – the amount of fat removed and the number of sites treated. However, with the exception of some activities (heavy lifting and strenuous exercise) recovery from this procedure is so rapid that most patients return to normal activities within days as compared with the weeks normally anticipated with other fat removal systems. You should expect to feel some soreness, tenderness, and discomfort, which could last up to two weeks.

After the operation, you will need to wear a special Bodytite Liposuction garment for one week. The garment will vary in size depending upon the areas that have been treated but usually cover from the knee to the waist. This garment must be worn 24 hours a day for 7 days; you will not be able to shower during this week. After one week you return to the clinic to see the nurse have your bandages and sutures removed. You may or may not see the surgeon during this appointment, but will return after 6 weeks for a postoperative visit with the surgeon.


The Bodytite Liposuction technique has reduced both the incidence and severity of potential complications typically associated with fat removals, such as contour irregularities, prolonged swelling, loss of sensation or prolonged numbing, blood clots (DVT), bruising, blister-like spots called seromas, burns, skin discoloration, and infection. The risks of developing these complications can be further reduced by the patient’s strict adherence to the surgeon’s postoperative instructions. Recovery from Radio Frequency Liposuction is fast and patients are able to return to their normal activities within days as opposed to the weeks normally associated with traditional liposuction.


Subsequent to your Bodytite Liposuction, should you experience weight gain or loss, it will tend to be proportionately distributed over your entire body. Once you have fat removed, it is gone and, assuming a healthy lifestyle of proper diet and exercise, it will not return or migrate to other areas. However, because fat is necessary to a healthy body, some essential fat in any given site will remain untreated. If you do gain a significant amount of weight, these remaining fat cells will expand. Also, although your post-operative shape is relatively permanent (providing you don’t experience a significant weight gain), normal aging changes can be expected.


Cellulite is a term used to describe a specific look of fat in the skin overlying certain areas of the body (often described as “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” skin). As we age, almost all of us develop some degree of cellulite. While you may notice an improvement in the appearance of cellulite post-operatively, it is unrealistic to expect that your Bodytite Liposuction treatment will eliminate cellulite. There is currently no curative “fix” for cellulite.

If you have any further questions or queries about this procedure, please feel free to call and speak to either Dr. Roberto Viel, Dr. Maurizio Viel or any of our nurses in our Dubai Healthcare City clinic. Please note that it is necessary to attend a consultation prior to your operation, this is also the case with existing patients, it may also be necessary to have repeat blood tests.

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