Breast Augmentation with Dr Maurizio Viel

Breast augmentation, known also as ‘boob job’ or ‘breast implants’, has become one of the most sought after surgeries in the world.  Techniques and technology has advanced so much that patients are now able to keep the same breast implants throughout their lifetime.  In the past, breast implants had to be changed every 10-years.  Thanks to the new ‘gummy bear’ implants made from highly cohesive silicon gel, patients are now able to have just one surgical procedure.

‘We believe in a natural look, and we don’t advise patients to go too large when doing a breast augmentation.  The most important thing is that the size of the breasts should be in proportion with the body.’ says Dr Maurizio Viel.  ‘The majority of our patients are women in their 20s, 30s and 40s, and they are seeking a natural result, and many of them are also mothers who have finished having children and would like to revolumise their breasts again.  During the consultation, our patients are offered the Crysalix 4-D experience where they can actually visualise what their new breasts would look like on their body.’

The breast augmentation surgery at Dr Viel’s private outpatient clinic takes 1- hour under sedation, and this is not to be mistaken with general anaesthesia.  With sedation, the anesthetist provides an IV drip that puts the patients into a slumber so no discomfort is felt during the surgery.  The patients will return home the same day after 3 -4 hours.

For more information on breast augmentation surgery click here.

Your plastic surgeons, Drs Roberto and Maurizio Viel, will discuss the best approach to help you achieve your ideal look and goals. 

To book an appointment or consultation for breast augmentation surgery in Dubai at our LCAS Dubai Healthcare City Clinic, please contact 04-375 2393 or email

To book an appointment at our LCAS 15 Harley Street, London practice, please call +44 207 636 4272 or email

Breast Augemenation Surgery Dubai